Local Arts Project Grant

Eligibility for Local Arts Project Grants:

  • Projects based in the Bulkley Valley, including artist fees, productions fees, documentation expenses (videographer, etc.)
  • The applicant must be a member of BVCAC (you may become a member at the same time that you submit an application)
  • Funding amounts available: Variable, depending on need and budget. Please note that recording project grants have an annual limit of $2,000.
  • See Local Arts Project Grant Policy for further details

Deadline: Grant applications are accepted between September 1st and May 31st (the Board does not meet in the summer months). Please allow for up to 8 weeks for a response to your request. We normally recommend that you apply at least 2 months before your event or artistic idea starts.

BVCAC Grant Application

Grant Information:

Please briefly tell us:

If you have additional information to include attach it here (pdf only).
At least 1 large good quality image to represent your project on our website. Accepted formats jpg, gif, png
accepted formats jpg, gif, png


Please provide a budget for your project. Supply information pertaining only to your proposed project (not all fields will apply to you). Please feel free to contact us if you are unsure how to create a budget.

Type of Expense

A. Artist Fees (please describe)

B. Travel expenses:

C. Equipment rental, books, supplies

D. Other Expenses

Total Expenses (add lines A to D)

Projected Income

A. Earned income (for example ticket or CD sales)

B. Personal contribution

C. Community donation

D. Other grant income

E. Other Income (please describe)

Total Income (add lines A to E)

Request to BVCAC (Total Expenses minus Total Income)


Please review the final report form before your submit your grant request. We ask that you keep track of certain statistics (number of people served by grant, number of people in audience, etc). You must be willing to track these things if funding is received.

Press the submit button only once. If you have attached files it may take some time to upload them and analyze they are the correct type.

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site design by: DesignworksBC

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